Plant Library

Results 11 to 20 of 79
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Pink Pom Poms Redbud
Cercis canadensis 'Pink Pom Poms'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  20 feet
Spread:  15 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

An ornamental tree featuring stunning fully double reddish-pink flowers in spring, followed by coppery new leaves that mature to...

Plant Photo 2
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White Fringetree
Chionanthus virginicus

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  15 feet
Spread:  15 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

Without a doubt, one of the finest small native trees for spring bloom; plant is absolutely covered in frilly white flowers;...

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Spring Fleecing Fringetree
Chionanthus virginicus 'Spring Fleecing'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  20 feet
Spread:  20 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A strikingly beautiful small multi-stemmed tree when in bloom, with frothy upright panicles of very fine strap-like flowers in...

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Morning Cloud Chitalpa
Chitalpa 'Morning Cloud'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  30 feet
Spread:  25 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

An interesting hybrid flowering tree or large shrub that produces highly fragrant white orchid-like flowers over an incredibly...

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Perkins Pink Yellowwood
Cladrastis lutea 'Perkins Pink'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  45 feet
Spread:  45 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

A beautiful but somewhat fussy small tree with stunning cascades of pink flowers in spring, good habit of growth all year round;...

Plant Photo 6
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Eddie's White Wonder Flowering Dogwood
Cornus 'Eddie's White Wonder'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  25 feet
Spread:  20 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A fabulous hybrid adorned with striking white blooms in spring, and foliage that changes to a rich red in the fall; vigorous...

Plant Photo 7
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Stellar Pink Flowering Dogwood
Cornus 'Stellar Pink'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  25 feet
Spread:  25 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

An interesting hybrid adorned with lovely pink blooms and foliage that changes to a reddish purple in the fall; vigorous grower...

Plant Photo 8
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Venus Flowering Dogwood
Cornus 'Venus'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  20 feet
Spread:  20 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A fabulous hybrid covered with huge white blooms in spring, and foliage that changes to a rich red in the fall; vigorous grower...

Plant Photo 9
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Pagoda Dogwood
Cornus alternifolia

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  20 feet
Spread:  25 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A truly special plant for northern landscapes, valued for its almost "oriental" horizontal branching habit; white flowers in...

Plant Photo 10
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Cherokee Brave Flowering Dogwood
Cornus florida 'Cherokee Brave'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  30 feet
Spread:  35 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A highly desirable ornamental tree which is absolutely blanketed in rich red flowers that fade to white in the centers in spring,...

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